Horizontal shot & freight train in frame he sleeps in all day movies…what a dreadful day I want to see blood pond & treeline screech of train rewind rotten wood grinding political posters weapon da nang in the jungle failure of commonwealth peace mission histoire de art newsreel tunes camera eye on audience rewind to start janus films Gerard beytoud ominous tones gainst red characters anna karina superstar of French new wave velasquez captures shimmering colors ethereal waves imperceptible dust still together in celluloid painter of evening open spaces torrid sunshine ciggies bathtub art book blue floral wallpaper pink skirt director of standard oil scandale girdle ad its invisible age of ass sounds of life babysitter Balzac 5th of Beethoven infrared soap washes fresh aerosol uncommon elegance live through past in past Samuel fuller in paris flowers of evil what is cinema infragreen lamore violence hate emotions hairdo stays light & soft golden silk infrable lingerie loses its lure ciggies in frame necklace earings party jazz toss the cake home sleepy girl you`re alone? Bland days wondering about yourself thunder and lightning four years since we met to want something you have to be alive are you still American car lights garrison massacred by Vietcong loves women his wife his mistress what makes me so sad…in car still and neon red Marianne whistle kissing you all over you`re beautiful my pet see Renoir anna karina good voice cabaret singer barrelhouse piano …so happy in same bed blue eyeliner blank white screen yoko & john imagine love & mirth in film bonnie & clyde again hurral judy garland sad but wistful rosy girls in Renoir red lamp Hitchcock again Bernard herman riffs remember janet leigh fleeing same pathos here Ferdinand & Marianne escape their daily lives for greener pasturesblue bathrobe & bacj Picasso on wall citylife match mag on wall green bottles guns & corpses ditty then edith pioff of golden screen new wave spontaneous words of love rose…bric a brac we could live together ordinary lives…romping tectures bit by bit never let go simple flat bob Dylan with a typewriter allen ginsberg karoac types undulous words groovtflick pounds character art homicide in Toulouse golden armchairs flats & office buildings pathos in white mao se tung gainst manichens gun-running sail away Simbanese liberation army free long time ago paris eifel tower seine sixties brown hair flip red auto ambience total gas…laurel & hardy abbot castello lewis martin mcmanon Carson giant total tender is the night starry night an off w/ear Angola congo revolution in Africa have you ever killed a man strobes of cherry red paranoid park but time ago bring it back look at yourself kisses and pathos rendezvous entering central france student born in 1936 viviane blassel andy Warhol video portraits blue gainst white anna jean-paul liberty equality perfume…film extra fall of Constantinople William of orange study crusades for foibles of west 30,000 saracens gone what bout Algiers again blue brick & door lovers long for warm evening air cartoon arcades pensive piano Copeland & billy the kid were dead ya ever see lost weekend? Sympathy for devil saw at unionhall in 70s revolution anarchy depicted 1965 early radical themes flames in field telephone wires a season of hell narrative of characters in river…themes again wistful tones bucolic greens in wood spring on rack w/ strings stones corn stalks grinding riffs gainst yellow wildflowers van gough café in arles maybe? Natural aire an sounds buses cars wind military fatigues sedan Chinese hat noise gainst fins oil change repair ford gas pumps melancholy mania blue skies anna jumps in jumpsuit carnival toons arcade themes coney island lampoon horns naked together in bed ciggie silhouettes flashback cabarets chatter chaos give us a ton a doe rewind…in one take to park afternoon delight sunglow look at the fool! Car in ocean love must be reinvented…begin to cry ocean blue & sky Riviera back to yesterday waves shells sounds want to start over fetal position beaming rays & stingrays kill in florida…moon is only inhabitant stuff his head full of Lenin ¾ moon birdseye shot fuck me seagulls sand bright sunlight mingle in sand parrots & sanddunes flats stucco white cupids arrow diary an tractors singing in sunshine surreal language poetry wildflowers colors addlib mister godard but shoot naturally no script no story but maybe content cactus shoots and parrot squabbles bread & brooms cham cham cham labo close up shadows wander in water sing & chant parrot & poetry wash out `til footage fades….
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