This is the actual GHOST OF JOHN WESLEY HARDIN! I am preparing a chilly, yet true account of his gossamer visits to me, by way of a modern machine that acts as a conduit to paranormal waves of spirited energy. Be prepared to read my story about one week before HALLOWEEN! You can be sure that he`s an apparition because you can see through him; transparency of his image is obvious. Ladies & gentleman, this is not a stunt, it is not hocus pocus, no charade my friend, nor has trick photography been harnassed to cajole you into believing that this is an otherworldly spirit. That it is honestly a ghost, you can bank on it! I chill at the prospect of more visitations, but no doubt, more will come to pass! This gunslinger, this murderer is restless, maybe angry, & wants to still preside on our times, for reasons unknown. I will peck out my story with fear & trembling but will truthfully chronicle the path of the reckless killer with keen acumen . But no use in stirring him up to the point of harrowing hauntings. Of endless campaigns or spooky encounters! SO PLEASE PREPARE YOURSELF FOR THE GREATEST GHOST STORY EVER TOLD JUST TWO WEEKS HENCE!

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