Eureka! I found many of my old JFK files and VHS tapes, that I spent countless hours recording, in order to preserve this record of malignancy. Fortunately, no agent has come by to confiscate my records. The History Channel refuses to play The Men Who Killed Kennedy anymore, and why? They only show pro-single bullet theory specials now a days. T this point, I`m beginning to believe that there was a kind of Renaissance that occurred in November of 1988. Many theories were coming together and the sifting of evidence had reached a saturation point. I`m glad that I kept good records, because now I can see clearly what a good place we were in terms of solving the case.
After that time things got off the rails. The Oliver Stone movie did much to under mind the gains made by substantial researchers. Now everyone wanted to get in on the act. That is why I like to think back on earlier times when the sincerity and dedication was still present. I recall talking to some friends in Dallas, way back in the 60s, who were in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. They were certain that a shot had come from the grassy knoll. They weren`t but a couple of feet from the presidential motorcade. They had told the investigators that too, at the time. I didn`t need to read any book to believe their story.
I would spend hours on end reading and speculating `bout `63 at both the Walnut Hill and the Oak Lawn branches of the Dallas Public Library. This was in the early 1980s. I read Harold Weisberg`s book Whitewash and Gary Shaw`s masterpiece Cover-Up. Later in the 1980s, I would go down to Austin and visit the Barker Texas History Center, which is now called The Center For American History, at UT of course. My friend John Slate was an employee there, and helped me find titles that I longed to see. Many of these came from The Kubicek Collection On The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. I Xeroxed the bibliography for that collection and am presently reviewing it. I do remember getting to read the Playboy interview from 1967 with Jim Garrison, what a thrill!
For me, history is a series of pool balls that randomly collide. When the Kennedys wanted to dismantle the CIA a handful of rogue agents decided to kill Kennedy. They gathered others in power, like big oil, in on the plot, and designed a plan that would work. When they killed him, they buttoned up Lee by way of Ruby. Then the military was free to escalate the War in Vietnam. Then the CIA was free to perpetuate coups in Latin countries. But by unwinding this conspiracy we can reverse history. One event randomly leads to another, but can be reversed.
Much of this reversal will come about because of advances in technology. As an example, verification of another 22 gun at RFK`s shooting has just been confirmed. Suspicion towards Thane Eugene Cesar is greater now. Badgeman in the pristine Mary Moreman photograph has been confirmed scientifically. He is the real the killer on the grassy knoll who easily escaped after the shooting. But Lee Bowers saw the commotion and activity on the knoll, so we know about Badgeman. And furthermore many other photos and motion picture cameras were rolling on that date, so that it is impossible to not approach the truth! The latest cover-ups will not work. At the time (1988) I thought that we had failed in our endeavors. I now believe that we succeeded! Simply put, more refinement must be applied to make the models fit. Penn Jones uncovered many important clues very early on, like Earlene Roberts hearing the tat, tat, tat of a police officer`s car horn at 1026 N. Beckley, when Oswald returned to his boarding house on that fateful afternoon. Who was the police officer who was signaling Oswald? Was it JD Tippet picking up his confederate in crime?
After that time things got off the rails. The Oliver Stone movie did much to under mind the gains made by substantial researchers. Now everyone wanted to get in on the act. That is why I like to think back on earlier times when the sincerity and dedication was still present. I recall talking to some friends in Dallas, way back in the 60s, who were in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. They were certain that a shot had come from the grassy knoll. They weren`t but a couple of feet from the presidential motorcade. They had told the investigators that too, at the time. I didn`t need to read any book to believe their story.
I would spend hours on end reading and speculating `bout `63 at both the Walnut Hill and the Oak Lawn branches of the Dallas Public Library. This was in the early 1980s. I read Harold Weisberg`s book Whitewash and Gary Shaw`s masterpiece Cover-Up. Later in the 1980s, I would go down to Austin and visit the Barker Texas History Center, which is now called The Center For American History, at UT of course. My friend John Slate was an employee there, and helped me find titles that I longed to see. Many of these came from The Kubicek Collection On The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. I Xeroxed the bibliography for that collection and am presently reviewing it. I do remember getting to read the Playboy interview from 1967 with Jim Garrison, what a thrill!
For me, history is a series of pool balls that randomly collide. When the Kennedys wanted to dismantle the CIA a handful of rogue agents decided to kill Kennedy. They gathered others in power, like big oil, in on the plot, and designed a plan that would work. When they killed him, they buttoned up Lee by way of Ruby. Then the military was free to escalate the War in Vietnam. Then the CIA was free to perpetuate coups in Latin countries. But by unwinding this conspiracy we can reverse history. One event randomly leads to another, but can be reversed.
Much of this reversal will come about because of advances in technology. As an example, verification of another 22 gun at RFK`s shooting has just been confirmed. Suspicion towards Thane Eugene Cesar is greater now. Badgeman in the pristine Mary Moreman photograph has been confirmed scientifically. He is the real the killer on the grassy knoll who easily escaped after the shooting. But Lee Bowers saw the commotion and activity on the knoll, so we know about Badgeman. And furthermore many other photos and motion picture cameras were rolling on that date, so that it is impossible to not approach the truth! The latest cover-ups will not work. At the time (1988) I thought that we had failed in our endeavors. I now believe that we succeeded! Simply put, more refinement must be applied to make the models fit. Penn Jones uncovered many important clues very early on, like Earlene Roberts hearing the tat, tat, tat of a police officer`s car horn at 1026 N. Beckley, when Oswald returned to his boarding house on that fateful afternoon. Who was the police officer who was signaling Oswald? Was it JD Tippet picking up his confederate in crime?
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