Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States come November 5th. The economy is bad and people will vote against the incumbent party. It will be a referendum on the Bush administration, who has performed poorly in every area-foreign policy, the economy, and with the American people themselves. Just look at Katrina. The American people want change and they`re going to get it. If we don`t get change, the economy will collapse and the threads of society will come undone. We can no longer afford the War in Iraq. Our auto companies will go out of business, if they don`t retool and build energy efficient cars. Tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas is unacceptable! Large tax breaks for the big oil companies is unforgivable! No health care for millions of Americans is not acceptable. The curtailment of civil liberties (The Patriot Act) is unacceptable!
My fundamental reason for believing strongly in the Democrats and Barack Obama is that I can recall when Bill Clinton grew the middle class in the late 1990s and then more people could participate in the economy and share a little bit of improvement. I made some money on the stock market and slightly improved my social status from lower class to lower-middle class. This is the key to what makes our capitalist economy tick. If a greater amount of people increase their income, then they can make contributions to other small businesses so that they can also succeed. They in turn will create more jobs, may become IPOs on the stock market, so that the rising middle class can participate in their unique niche in the market. At one time companies like Cisco Systems, Yahoo, Qualcom, and Sun Microsystems were small, on the go companies that people could purchase shares of stock in and participate in their growth. This opportunity has not been present in the last eight years of Bush. The market has gone down because average people can not participate. This is due to rising fuel and food costs, health care costs, and shrinking wages. This phenomenon is due to, in part, to the elitist tax structure of the Republicans that rewards the wealthy and cripples those that struggle for improvements, such as myself. These tax policies are fundamentally undemocratic.
There has been much talk lately about The Great Depression, what with the recent economic melt down of astronomic proportions. This may be something of an exaggeration, but we will just have to see just how deep the current recession will be. The measures taken by the New Dealers were, when looking in hindsight, somewhat harsh. But when you look at conditions such as unemployment levels, desperation and creativity were greatly needed. Work programs had to be created by the federal government in order to give people the ability to eat. Once they started to purchase products such as food, the helped small businesses to keep their doors open. This is small, but ironically it was the Federal government that was able to save capitalism. We will have to see how bad things get, but no doubt Obama will have to create work programs such as improving roads and bridges, investing in the US infrastructure, and helping the under employed, whose numbers are growing every day. I`m calling Obama`s efforts the New New Deal (see my collage), although I`m sure it will assume a very different form from FDRs. This won`t be a welfare state, but just a little intervention to help redirect the economy after eight years of crippling policies. This will actually be friendly to common people, so cast off the paranoia of the Bush years! I know, this is hard to do!

Everything is going to change a lot, I do believe! Businesses will have to equal out their pay, especially for African Americans, Latinos, and women. Democracy in general will be more apparent. People will vote more in schools, businesses, and in local government. People will have more voice in important decisions. Executive decisions will need to be more transparent and those choices should be based on the will of all workers. The Fat Cats can no longer be renegades in profit sharing and decisions or policy. Everyone must have a voice, we demand it.
The polls are tightening in the battleground states, such as Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. Please everyone heed the warning and work harder and harder to help Obama win! We can do it…YES WE CAN! THE RED MEANIES are creeping up on us, so lets redouble are efforts for the BLUE! I don`t understand why so many people are still going to vote for McCain. I suspect that its ignorance. Young people must vote in groves. African Americans must vote in groves. The poor must vote in groves. Obama can help us all, because we all are hurting.
THE WAR IN IRAQ MUST END! We can not afford it anymore, and the Iraqis have plenty of money to help themselves. We can not go it alone anymore. Even Bush senior built a strong coalition of allies before we went into the first Gulf War. We need to make some friends in the world, and Obama can help us do this, especially Third World countries. And no George Bush, The United Nations is not an outdated organization. We are spread too thin in Iraq and need more troops in Afghanistan.
Thousands and thousands of Obama ground troops are canvassing Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and Missouri, even as I type this, and knocking on doors, making phone calls, and arguing down misdirected conservatives who have been brainwashed for years by Shaun Hannity and Rusch Limbaugh, who are nothing but demigods for an extremist and dangerous position. Fox News will lead us to destruction! Turn it off RIGHT NOW! Obama is running a brilliant campaign, maybe the best since John Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in 1960 with Robert Kennedy as his campaign manager. Obama is getting the Hispanic vote and white women, and many of the soft Republicans too, who see Sarah Palin as too far on the right, which is exactly the case! I have a feeling that the follow through for the Obama people will be fantastic, and I`m making a stab at it right here! We have to win, and WE WILL! I don`t want this GREAT COUNTRY to end, and I know that you don`t either!
Let me summarize Obama`s position to turn this country around: GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS. Create jobs in technology and the auto industry…have everyone working, UNITE ALL PEOPLE…we are one people, not various pockets of blue and red. DIXIE NEEDS TO THAW OUT! The past is over, let it go. Maybe Georgia can go Obama if every African American will vote there. Let`s elect the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN EVER AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Health care for all Americans is possible. Friends with many more countries is a possibility! An end to foreign wars. The recovery of civil liberties. The reduction of fear and the stupid use of the American flag to only represent a very narrow concept of patriotism…one that rejects dissent against an unfair War in Iraq! We can do it, ELECT BARACK OBAMA ON NOVEMBER 4TH! Study his web page please, and pass my blog on to countless others immediately! OUR VERY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! JGK
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