The second film that I viewed was RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy, a canny film with a few significant break-throughs, is by Shane O`Sullivan and was released last year. The freshest evidence is the apparent presence of three CIA agents at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968. His other major contribution to the case is the argument that Sirhan Sirhan was hypnotized in order to play his role as a patsy to take the wrap. This coverage includes the specifics of the shooting as well as ample explanations of the bigger picture of a conniving conspiracy.
The coup de grace of conspiracy, for me, is the fact that Kennedy was shot in the back of the head, probably and the muzzle of the gun was just about three inches from his head. This is known because of the powder burns that were apparent in the autopsy. Another shocking fact is that were more bullets flying around the kitchen pantry than the 8 that could have come from Sirhan`s 22 caliber Iver-Johnson cadet revolver.
Sandra Serrano was a twenty-year old at the primary victory and was napping in a balcony, when two people hurried by and exclaimed, “We shot him, we shot him.” “Who did you shoot?” “We shot the senator.” The girl running by was young and pretty, with dark hair and wore a white dress with black polka-dots. Sandra had seen them earlier with two Latin men, one of which she later identified as Sirhan. Another witness, Vincent Di Pierro, also identified the girl in question. At the trial the prosecution argued that Valerie Sheltzie, who was a blond, was the said girl.
The oddest thing about this is the way that the LAPD detective Hernandez. interrogated her and tried to coerce her to alter her story. She described him as a Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde-like character. He engaged in ‘brow beating’ and was trying to intimidate a witness, just like the Dallas police had in 1963. He manipulated her into signing a statement that she did not see or hear anything from the girl with the polka-dot dress.
The chief identifier of rogue operative Dave Morales was Bradley Ayers. Ayers had known him in Miami when working on JM-Wave in 1963, a CIA operation to train Cubans to attempt the usurpation of the Castro regime. It must be noted that Morales himself had a massive heart attack in 1978 before he could appear on the Senate Hearings on the Assassination. Someone did not want him to talk.
I will include some of Bradley Ayers` words in order to cement the ID of Morales at the Ambassador Hotel on the late eve of June 4th, 1968. He is reacting to the footage shown him by Shane O`Sullivan. Ayres` words verbatim.
“That was the figure that I previously identified as Morales. The nose is a little more flattened, but the stance, the shoulders, the face, the tie eschew, the general facial impression is an individual that I would identify as Morales. Yea, practically to a 100 % degree.”
“I think that the nose is really an artifact of pixel color shadow and so on. This definitely from the profile is hugely similar. The body language is very, very much characteristic of Morales. See how he moves back and forth very casually so as to not attrack attention to himself. That is him, no question.”
A good testimony is provided by Wayne Smith, a state department official who knew Morales well at the US embassy in Havanna in 1959. He says: “That`s Morales! Yea, I`m virtually certain,” while reacting to the film footage of the night of the assassination. Smith says also: “I knew Morales quite well in Argentina.” They argued and Dave Morales said: “Kennedy got what was coming to him.” This was said in a very determined way, Smith emphasized. Kennedy had betrayed the agency by not providing air support for the ‘Cuban liberators’ at the Bay of Pigs.
Shane O`Sullivan asked him if there is a benign explanation for him to be at the Ambassador. “In my wildest imagination I couldn`t imagine Morales being assigned to protect RFK,” Shane exclaims. He furthers concludes that Morales` presence there that night and RFK being shot have to be related.
David Rabern, an ex-CIA operative and eyewitness at the Ambassador Hotel, was working on an alarm systems project and had free tickets to primary victory party. He was walking toward the front doors when he heard the slight noise of the pop, pop, pop of gunshot. Rabern did not believe that Sirhan could have done it alone.
David Rabern clearly identified David Sanchez Morales (El Gordo) at the crime scene, a rogue CIA agent who had antipathies for the Kennedys. Rabern also saw the bald one (CIA agent Gordon Campbell) talking to Morales. He assumed a military stance with his hands behind his back. Sirhan was a decoy, a mere throw away, the shooter in the public eye. The primary gunman performed the act in a secret way.
David indicates that this is highly suspicious. “Why they were doing the things they were doing, I`m surprised it was never investigated, is a mystery,” he states (I`m paraphrasing). He did not want to detail his associations with Gordon Campbell, but was fully familiar with him.
Ed Lopez, a former congressional investigator, identifies George Joannides in a photo at the Ambassador Hotel. Joannides had a very intriguing background with the CIA. I have just learned that he was the case officer for the DRE in New Orleans. They were a fabricated anti-Castro group that got in a ruckus with Oswald in the summer of 1963, when Oswald was handing pro-Castro leaflets on the streets of New Orleans. This got Oswald news coverage, and put him the limelight as a communist rebel. This appears to have been the goal of Joannides` operation. Ed Lopez is able to verify the connection of Oswald and the CIA and Joannides is smack dab in the middle.
Perhaps Sirhan was programmed just right before the shooting. He was highly suggestable and was hyponotized to climb his cell bars. On the day of the shooting he had picked up two boxes of 22 caliber ammunition at the Lock Stock and Barrel. He had gone to San Gabriel Valley Range to target practice for six hours. He bumped into a friend at Bob`s Big Boys and challenged him to a game of pool. Sirhan had four Tom Collins cocktails and was very sleepy. He began to seek out coffee at the Ambassador Hotel. He ran into a girl, the girl in the Polka Dot dress, and she led him into a dark place.
Sirhan was interviewed under hypnosis. He described a policeman with a funny uniform. "You son of a bitch." A comment Sirhan makes about Kennedy. A witness heard him say that on the given night. "Can`t send those bombs." The psychiatrist, Dr. Diamond, utters: "he`s reaching spasmodically for gun in pants." There`s a Freudian aspect to the killing. Programmed to kill RFK, then programmed to forget. Sirhan was seen staring at teletype operator. He appeared to be in a trance. The witness was told by LAPD to not tell anyone about seeing this. Clues that night suggest his trance-like state. The writer George Plimpton noticed that Sirhan`s eyes were enormously peaceful. He was a good candidate for the decoy. These strange handlers from the CIA programmed him to forget the crime, and forget the people who who helped him. Sirhan honestly never did remember the crime.
The Manchurian candidate angle was liberally treated. An audio tape of Sirhan under hypnosis was played in its entirety. He called Robert Kennedy a “son of a bitch.” When conscious he claimed no memory of the crime. The film suggests that he may have been programmed by the CIA to participate in the shooting with some help from the girl in the polka dot dress.
The main angle played here is that the CIA engineered the killing of RFK. The great thing about Shane O`Sullivan`s treatment is that he connects the RFK assassination with JFK`s in 1963. The Kennedys took an interest in dismantling the CIA. There was lingering resentment that John had not given the Cubans air support at the Bay of Pigs. This was the motive for eliminating the Kennedys. The two killings were related events.
There is no benign explanation for the CIA presence at the Ambassador hotel. Surely they were not involved in Robert`s security? The identification of these agents is mostly positive, with some objections raised by a few. The chief CIA agent who is implicated is David Sanchez Morales, a person involved in military coups in third world countries. Do not neglect reading the article Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy? O`Sullivan has exposed some new evidence here. You will need to study the identity of Gordon Campbell and George Joannides too. If they were in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968, then that they are connected to the shooting is positive.
Okay, I have ten pages of very good notes to plug into this document. Shane O`Sullivan has done some great leg work here. I want to mull over this, and then see how others react to it, that may be in a position of authority. This conspiracy was so cleverly perpetrated, that I wonder just who will come forward. I will get his book and the DVD and study them further.
RFK wanted to dismantle the CIA. I think he probably knew that they had killed his brother. The motive was The Bay Of Pigs. JFK did not give air support for the CIA brigade that tried to instigate the coup of the Castro government.
The chief areas that I feel are worth investigating are: the actual shooting itself. The fact that too many bullets were around. And then there is the question of whether Sirhan was programmed? The suspicion of the Security Guard, Thane Eugene Cesar, was be carefully probed. I think it is a fact that RFK was shot in the back. It is impossible for Sirhan to be the shooter. The girl with the polka-dot dress must be studied. The LAPD was obviously being manipulated, and this must be considered. And finally the fresh evidence of the CIA must be examined very carefully! This thing has been finally cracked wide-open by Shane O`Sullivan, yet some still deny that the three men were CIA at the Ambassador Hotel, June 5th, 1968. Remember the tenet of ‘plausible deniability’ that was put forth by Richard Helms when he testified in 1978!
You are going to want to see the epilogue to this on the web site for RFK Must Die. Stanislaw Pruszynski made an audio tape, little known by anyone, that has 13 shots on it, thus proving that a second gunman was involved in the shooting. This would cast suspicion on the security guard Cesar who was right behind RFK.
Please be sure to use the wiki page, it is a good resource.
Then I found this great page by Thom White.
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