Lee Oswald must have been filled with apprehension as he woke up on Friday, November 22, 1963. Needless to say, he would have a very, very busy day ahead. He left money and his wedding ring for Marina at the head of the bed. When Wesley Frazier picked him up to go to the Depository, he asked him if he had heard that the president was in town today. Frazier asked him what was in the brown paper sack that he was carrying. Oswald said, “curtain rods.” Later Frazier would testify that Oswald carried the paper sack in his hand and anchored under his armpit. Later, it was proved that the Carcano rifle was too big, even when broken down, to have been carried by Oswald in such a manner. It would be wise to further probe this issue to see if this pans out.
This is just out, but I may be able to get my hands on chapter 7 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy-The Last Chapter. This is the controversial installment that was shown on the History Channel in 2003, and was later pulled from viewing. It points a finger at LBJ and this must have pinched a nerve here in Texas. I found a segment of the video on this site, so be sure to watch it. I believe many were surprised the way it was brushed under the rug. This, of course, just makes you all the more curious to see it.
Like I said before, it`s the little things that don`t fit into the lone assassin model that peak my curiosity. If the rifle was disassembled, it would still be three feet long. This would make it impossible for Oswald to carry the package under his arm, when walking up to the back entrance of the ruddy-colored Depository Building. Wesley Frazier was absolutely certain that Oswald had carried it in this way. The Dallas police officer, Marion Baker, saw Oswald in the second floor lunch room. The officer saw him in the lunch room only 90 seconds after the shooting. The odd thing is, Marian Baker said he was calm, and not out of breath. This would mean that Oswald would have to flee from the snipers perch, run to the other side of the building, hot the rifle, flee down four flights of stairs, and then enter the little coffee room, all in just a minute and a half!
And then there are many, many other little bits of conflicting data. Oswald was seen fleeing down the grassy knoll by Roger Craig, a trained detective, and then getting into a car. Later, Roger Craig saw Oswald being interrogated at the police station. This would mean that Oswald didn`t take the bus to Oak Cliff. Roger Craig was later shot at, and finally murdered under highly suspect circumstances. There are video clips around of his testimony, but you will have to do some detective work to find them. Someone didn`t want Roger Craig to tell his story.
You will also need to study the Tippett shooting in Oak Cliff, at Tenth and Patton. One witness, Acquella Clements, saw two men with Tippett when he was shot. And if Oswald entered the Texas Theater at 1:07 PM, as he was reported to have, then how could he have shot the cop at the same time? What about the ID of Oswald that went out? Who could have given it? Was it planted? Why did another police officer run from his motorcycle up by the picket fence and confront a man who claimed to be a secret Service agent? Today is Friday, just as that day, and all of you have many unanswered questions to mull over, as you watch another bland cover-up special on TV.
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