Sunday, November 23, 2008



I still remember that hot Dallas day in August of 1965 when my family drove north on the Stemmons Freeway past the Texas School Book Depository Building. I was startled by its dark red, earthen tone. My family had only seen it on a black and white television in Houston, Texas during those dark days. “There it is, Dad,” I exclaimed with some trepidation in my voice. At that moment I felt equal measures of thrill and repulsion as I glared in awe at the ruddy colored building.

My enthusiasm for President Kennedy, his optimism, courage, and charisma all propelled me forward, and filled me with his hope, when I was very young. Yet the explanation for his death, by way of the Warren Report, left many unanswered questions. How could a lone assassin have committed such a sophisticated crime such as killing a president? What really happened in Dallas on November 22, 1963? Today marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination, and yet many doubts still linger today.

Throughout these forty-five years the American people have been bombarded with images, books, newspapers, magazines, films, and countless theories about the assassination, that have left them jaded beyond belief. Over the past few years a new cover-up has taken place, modeled after the same old withered, ‘single-bullet theory’ that has been clouding the light of truth from us all of these years. This is a mystery to me as to why this is still happening after so many intelligent, virtuous researchers have definitively countered the assertions of Oswald as ‘The Lone Nut.’ Just a few examples of the new cover-up would be a 2003 Peter Jennings production or the way in which The History Channel has pulled from rotation the superb seven part series The Men Who Killed Kennedy by Nigel Turner.

These specials have to leave out more than they leave in in order to make this ‘lone assassin construction’ seem feasible. For me, it is still simple things that I`m troubled by. It is little things that don`t fit. One example of this is, you will remember, that the Dallas police officer, Marion Baker, saw Oswald in the TSBD lunch room only 90 seconds after the shots stopped. The odd thing is, Marian Baker said that Oswald was calm, and not out of breath. This would mean that Lee Harvey would have to flee from the snipers perch, run through the myriad of stacked boxes to the other side of the building, hide the rifle, race down four flights of stairs, and then calmly enter the second floor coffee room, all in just a minute and a half! An impossible feat!

A litany of brave researchers have saved us from the permanent peril of obscurity in this important case. Therefore, I must sing praises here for the likes of Penn Jones, Jr., Gary Mack, Robert Groden, Harold Weisberg, Mark Lane, Josiah Thompson, and most of all, Gary Shaw. Gary Shaw`s book Cover-up was my bible in the late 1970s. These brave individuals kept the spirit alive for dissent against the dark forces who didn`t want us to know who or why JFK was killed. Now days the internet protects us from these facts and clues from being lost to time. Moreover, information has been preserved by museums, libraries, and specialized archives. I have actually done a good job myself in preserving valuable records that shed light on this case. Last night I viewed a VHS tape, Fake, that has been buried in an archive box for more than ten years; I know of nowhere you can currently find this rare artifact.

And yet the truth about this case lies burrowed, aye, perched in a ‘snipers nest’ of data; the false facts must be carefully culled away from the uncut gems of truth that are hidden from view. The rubble of debris, the corpus of ephemera, that is the artist palette for conspiratoricians must contain the best evidence, the reasons for this deed, how they actually pulled it off, and the manner of its blasphemous cover-up. The reality of what happened forty-five years ago today in Dallas is just as clear as spring mountain water, if we could drink from its fount, but we can`t taste of its sweet water today. Storm clouds shroud our view and a newly forged cover-up persists.
*(This is a scan of drawing that I got when I went to see President Kennedy at Rice Stadium in Houston, Texas in 1962. I was nine years old at the time. Forgive me, but the scan is incomplete.)

Saturday, November 22, 2008


I have been feeling as if over the past few years a new cover-up has been put in place, certainly by the media. Today marks the forty-fifth anniversary of the Kennedy Assassination, and there seems to be a shortage of new specials about the topic, especially those that are critical of ‘The Lone Nut’ theory. Back in 1988, at the twenty-fifth anniversary, there was no shortage of good new books, video, and photographic analysis. Why this is, I can`t say exactly; maybe interest in the case has dwindled? More sinister however, is the idea that those in authority want to re-spin this case in a simple manner; that is, they want to reassert the Warren Commission`s ‘single bullet theory’ construct that has been shown time and time again to be completely fallacious.

I must praise the internet at this juncture! Also, I have preserved many of my documents, such as books, Xeroxes, and VHS tapes. Memory can play tricks on you, but after reviewing some of my materials, some of which it`s been as much as ten years since viewing, much of this period (1988-1992) rushes back to my feeble brain. Keeping good records is a virtue that can`t be underestimated. Otherwise, the truth of what transpired in history will be lost to man. I was absolutely thrilled to find an old interview with Gary Shaw, author of the rare and out-of-print book Cover-Up, and I will link it for you here, it is called
Alternative Views. Please be sure to view this important interview in July of 1988.

Last night I viewed a rare video, I guess I taped it many years ago, that is a photographic analysis of the infamous
backyard photos of Oswald. I`m not even sure of the title, but I call it ‘Fake’, since it nearly proves that these photos were altered in order for Oswald to take the fall. It is the work of Jack White, and uses much technical analysis to show just how this was pulled off. Oswald`s head has been grafted onto the body of another individual. I doubt you will be able to find this video anywhere, so I feel like I have possession of a very rare piece of video. Oswald himself said the incriminating photo was a fake when he was showed it by a Dallas detective at the police station. The chin is wrong and Oswald never had a watch, nor the type of shirt worn by the man holding the rifle, pistol, and Communist literature. You must experience the work of Jack White, in this regard, it is quite good and you will be convinced that the photos were faked!

With the internet`s presence, and the solid gatherings of information by dedicated researchers (I will humbly include myself) who seek the truth, no one, no entity, nor any iniquitous renegade coterie will ever be able to bury the vast body of dissenting artifacts that point to a conspiracy to eliminate the 35th president. In spite of recent efforts by non-dissenting writers and film-makers to spin these traumatic events in the most conventional ‘lone assassin’ framework, those you are weathered in these matters can still glean fragments of the truth. While J.Edgar Hoover and the FBI tried to cover-up the conspiracy at the time of the crime, enough hard evidence has remained to weave a vastly different story. Every American, if they want to truly know what happened, should review this evidence, and all the contradicting strains that make a clear picture of what happened impossible.

If they want to, they can assume that the Warren Report is right! Then let them try to plug all the facts of the case into the model and see what they come up with. It doesn`t fit, too many of the facts point to a widely different scenario!

Friday, November 21, 2008


Lee Oswald must have been filled with apprehension as he woke up on Friday, November 22, 1963. Needless to say, he would have a very, very busy day ahead. He left money and his wedding ring for Marina at the head of the bed. When Wesley Frazier picked him up to go to the Depository, he asked him if he had heard that the president was in town today. Frazier asked him what was in the brown paper sack that he was carrying. Oswald said, “curtain rods.” Later Frazier would testify that Oswald carried the paper sack in his hand and anchored under his armpit. Later, it was proved that the Carcano rifle was too big, even when broken down, to have been carried by Oswald in such a manner. It would be wise to further probe this issue to see if this pans out.

This is just out, but I may be able to get my hands on chapter 7 of The Men Who Killed Kennedy-The Last Chapter. This is the controversial installment that was shown on the History Channel in 2003, and was later pulled from viewing. It points a finger at LBJ and this must have pinched a nerve here in Texas. I found a segment of the video on this site, so be sure to watch it. I believe many were surprised the way it was brushed under the rug. This, of course, just makes you all the more curious to see it.

Like I said before, it`s the little things that don`t fit into the lone assassin model that peak my curiosity. If the rifle was disassembled, it would still be three feet long. This would make it impossible for Oswald to carry the package under his arm, when walking up to the back entrance of the ruddy-colored Depository Building. Wesley Frazier was absolutely certain that Oswald had carried it in this way. The Dallas police officer, Marion Baker, saw Oswald in the second floor lunch room. The officer saw him in the lunch room only 90 seconds after the shooting. The odd thing is, Marian Baker said he was calm, and not out of breath. This would mean that Oswald would have to flee from the snipers perch, run to the other side of the building, hot the rifle, flee down four flights of stairs, and then enter the little coffee room, all in just a minute and a half!

And then there are many, many other little bits of conflicting data. Oswald was seen fleeing down the grassy knoll by Roger Craig, a trained detective, and then getting into a car. Later, Roger Craig saw Oswald being interrogated at the police station. This would mean that Oswald didn`t take the bus to Oak Cliff. Roger Craig was later shot at, and finally murdered under highly suspect circumstances. There are video clips around of his testimony, but you will have to do some detective work to find them. Someone didn`t want Roger Craig to tell his story.

You will also need to study the Tippett shooting in Oak Cliff, at Tenth and Patton. One witness, Acquella Clements, saw two men with Tippett when he was shot. And if Oswald entered the Texas Theater at 1:07 PM, as he was reported to have, then how could he have shot the cop at the same time? What about the ID of Oswald that went out? Who could have given it? Was it planted? Why did another police officer run from his motorcycle up by the picket fence and confront a man who claimed to be a secret Service agent? Today is Friday, just as that day, and all of you have many unanswered questions to mull over, as you watch another bland cover-up special on TV.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


I still remember that hot Dallas day in August of 1965 when my family drove on the Stemmons Freeway past the Texas School Book Depository Building. I was startled by how dark red it was. We had only seen it on a black and white television while living in Houston. “There it is, Dad,” I exclaimed. I felt equal measures of thrill and repulsion as I stared at it in awe. But now, since we were moving to Dallas, I could visit it frequently and examine the crime scene for myself. I did just that many times in the some nineteen years that I called Dallas my home.

The atmosphere of my new neighborhood in North Dallas was icy and at that time many young Americans were now heading to Vietnam purportedly to free a people strapped by the incursions of communism. A brittle, intolerant attitude persisted in Dallas, as she tried to shake the stain of recent events. People from around the country and the world were condemning Dallas as ‘The City of Hate’, a shadow that Dallas is still trying dodge. A humble reporter from the Midlothian Mirror, Penn Jones, Jr., began to knock on the doors of living witnesses and published his findings. Startling revelations were suddenly revealed. Gradually, dissent against the war began to solidify, as people realized our mission in Vietnam was questionable. In the same breath, a small coterie of brave individuals began to vocalize their doubts about the conclusions of the Warren Commission.

I am very incensed by the recent zeitgeist that has emerged regarding conclusions of the JFK assassination. This in a nutshell is that Lee Harvey Oswald did it alone in order to secure a place in history for himself. In order to make this model fit, these new Pro-Warren Report Constructionists have to omit, yes white-out, many, many bits of information. These facts have to be completely cut-out to make it fit! People, please review part II of The Men Who Killed Kennedy. Lee Bowers, a railyard worker, saw much activity behind the picket-fence before, during, and after the shooting. Couple this with the testimony of Ed Hoffman and Gordon Arnold, along with the pristine Mary Moorman photo, and thus you can piecemeal a convincing mosaic of intrigue and high-level conspiracy.

The new and last (lost) episode of The Men Who Killed Kennedy implicates LBJ. This was shown once on The History Channel quite a few years ago, and I fortunately got to see it. It was then pulled and buried and never heard from again. In the special, it was told of a meeting at the house of big oil man, Clint Murchison, where both LBJ and Richard Nixon were present. I will try to get my hands on this installment, and also research why it is that it was suddenly suppressed.

For me, fragments of evidence are consummate refutations for the single assassin theory. Ruby`s rub with organized crime is obviously one. And how did he get into the Dallas police basement just moments before he shot Oswald? He didn`t get in from the Main Street ramp, as the Warren Commission alleges! Oswald was obviously connected to U.S. intelligence. Just study on this. How could the pristine bullet have been so unscathed? Why did Seth Kantor see Jack Ruby at Parkland Hospital? Why was Ruby stalking Oswald on Friday and Saturday? Why hasn`t the Nix film been studied enough? Why is a new cover-up in place in the waning days of the troubled Bush Era?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Eureka! I found many of my old JFK files and VHS tapes, that I spent countless hours recording, in order to preserve this record of malignancy. Fortunately, no agent has come by to confiscate my records. The History Channel refuses to play The Men Who Killed Kennedy anymore, and why? They only show pro-single bullet theory specials now a days. T this point, I`m beginning to believe that there was a kind of Renaissance that occurred in November of 1988. Many theories were coming together and the sifting of evidence had reached a saturation point. I`m glad that I kept good records, because now I can see clearly what a good place we were in terms of solving the case.

After that time things got off the rails. The Oliver Stone movie did much to under mind the gains made by substantial researchers. Now everyone wanted to get in on the act. That is why I like to think back on earlier times when the sincerity and dedication was still present. I recall talking to some friends in Dallas, way back in the 60s, who were in Dealey Plaza on that fateful day. They were certain that a shot had come from the grassy knoll. They weren`t but a couple of feet from the presidential motorcade. They had told the investigators that too, at the time. I didn`t need to read any book to believe their story.

I would spend hours on end reading and speculating `bout `63 at both the Walnut Hill and the Oak Lawn branches of the Dallas Public Library. This was in the early 1980s. I read Harold Weisberg`s book Whitewash and Gary Shaw`s masterpiece Cover-Up. Later in the 1980s, I would go down to Austin and visit the Barker Texas History Center, which is now called The Center For American History, at UT of course. My friend John Slate was an employee there, and helped me find titles that I longed to see. Many of these came from The Kubicek Collection On The Assassination of John F. Kennedy. I Xeroxed the bibliography for that collection and am presently reviewing it. I do remember getting to read the Playboy interview from 1967 with Jim Garrison, what a thrill!

For me, history is a series of pool balls that randomly collide. When the Kennedys wanted to dismantle the CIA a handful of rogue agents decided to kill Kennedy. They gathered others in power, like big oil, in on the plot, and designed a plan that would work. When they killed him, they buttoned up Lee by way of Ruby. Then the military was free to escalate the War in Vietnam. Then the CIA was free to perpetuate coups in Latin countries. But by unwinding this conspiracy we can reverse history. One event randomly leads to another, but can be reversed.

Much of this reversal will come about because of advances in technology. As an example, verification of another 22 gun at RFK`s shooting has just been confirmed. Suspicion towards Thane Eugene Cesar is greater now. Badgeman in the pristine Mary Moreman photograph has been confirmed scientifically. He is the real the killer on the grassy knoll who easily escaped after the shooting. But Lee Bowers saw the commotion and activity on the knoll, so we know about Badgeman. And furthermore many other photos and motion picture cameras were rolling on that date, so that it is impossible to not approach the truth! The latest cover-ups will not work. At the time (1988) I thought that we had failed in our endeavors. I now believe that we succeeded! Simply put, more refinement must be applied to make the models fit. Penn Jones uncovered many important clues very early on, like Earlene Roberts hearing the tat, tat, tat of a police officer`s car horn at 1026 N. Beckley, when Oswald returned to his boarding house on that fateful afternoon. Who was the police officer who was signaling Oswald? Was it JD Tippet picking up his confederate in crime?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I realized yesterday that it has been twenty years now since we did the coffee-table book, Conspiracy-A-Go-Go, a guide to sites associated with the JFK tangle. My feelings for study of the JFK assassination have been dormant for many years. Yet when viewing RFK Must Die, about Robert Kennedy`s shooting, much of my enthusiasm came back from the dead. This was in November of 1988 that all of this action went down. But yesterday I tried to remember when this unusual hobby of evidence digging really got started; what were its origins?

In the early to mid 1970s I tinkered a little by reading the Warren Report; more than anything else I was having trouble making the facts fit together into a cogent puzzle. I am a trained historian and was aware of methodologies to research a subject and at least attempt objectivity. Not that much was laying around that you could read to counter the wooden story that was given by the Warren Report. And then again, I was from Dallas (but living in Austin at the time) and many rumors and stories were circulating back then; most people with any saby did not accept the fabrications spun-out by the government.

Actually it was just a handful of independent researchers who began to crack the lid of lies, the cookie-jar cover story that shielded the American people from the stark truth. I would sit in the public library for hours on end reading the trifle of material I could get my hands on. One of the first things I ever looked at was Cover-up by Gary Shaw. I can not recall when I first saw it (around 1978). I marveled over all the knew information contained within, such as the tramps or hobos at the Depository or the fake Oswald photos taken at the Soviet Embassy in Mexico City. I knew that Gary Shaw was onto something significant.

In the late 1970s I began to obtain more reading materials that gave me more data. When the House Report came out suddenly I realized that the conspiracy was real, four shots had been fired at Dealey Plaza. Oddly, over the past ten years, say, more books and specials have reasserted the veracity of the single bullet theory, the model for Lee Oswald doing it alone. From say, 1979-1999 conspiracy was the going trend regarding the assassination. I am confounded by this change in public opinion. I believe it is contingent on these oppressive times. However, I will state a few simple bits of info that still lead me to believe that JFK was killed as a result of a conspiracy.

One thing that still eats away at me is pointed out by Josiah Thompson in Oswald`s Ghost, the best film I`ve seen in recent memory about these issues. That is, what was a lefty doing shooting a liberal president in right-wing Dallas? This does not make sense. Did Lee work for the CIA, just as his mother Margarita always purported? The evidence that Lee did is convincing to me.

For me, It is still simple things that trouble me. It is little things that don`t fit. Remember, witnesses saw two men stacking boxes in the sixth floor window about thirty minutes before the shooting. How could Oswald have gotten to the lunch room in just two minutes? No one has ever duplicated this feat. Did Roger Craig see Lee run down the Knoll and get in a car about twenty minutes after the shooting? Why did so many witnesses die after 1963, many of them under suspicious circumstances (see Penn Jones Jr.)? How does the missed shot that hit the curb fit into the construct? Why were there two caskets for JFK? What about the puff of smoke coming from the Knoll, and seen by S.M. Holland and others? Weren`t the autopsy photos faked?

There are hundreds and hundreds of anomalies to this case, that simply don`t support the position that only Oswald did it alone. I`m sorry to see this new wave of conservative constructionists on the JFK Assassination. We have an obligation to look back on the courageous original researchers who uncovered this heinous plot. A few of them are Robert Groden, Gary Mack, Mark Lane, Gary Shaw, Harold Weisburg, and Josiah Thompson. I will continue to be defiant against these latest distortions. Access The Men Who Killed Kennedy again for truth. This has been censored on the History Channel in recent memory. I recorded it in the late 1990s, so I can not be denied its revelations. When people try to put forth the single-bullet theory, they simply have to extract all the info that doesn`t fit. This is a sizeable body of facts. Keep this in mind…

Sunday, November 16, 2008


The second film that I viewed was RFK Must Die: The Assassination of Bobby Kennedy, a canny film with a few significant break-throughs, is by Shane O`Sullivan and was released last year. The freshest evidence is the apparent presence of three CIA agents at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968. His other major contribution to the case is the argument that Sirhan Sirhan was hypnotized in order to play his role as a patsy to take the wrap. This coverage includes the specifics of the shooting as well as ample explanations of the bigger picture of a conniving conspiracy.

The coup de grace of conspiracy, for me, is the fact that Kennedy was shot in the back of the head, probably and the muzzle of the gun was just about three inches from his head. This is known because of the powder burns that were apparent in the autopsy. Another shocking fact is that were more bullets flying around the kitchen pantry than the 8 that could have come from Sirhan`s 22 caliber Iver-Johnson cadet revolver.

Sandra Serrano was a twenty-year old at the primary victory and was napping in a balcony, when two people hurried by and exclaimed, “We shot him, we shot him.” “Who did you shoot?” “We shot the senator.” The girl running by was young and pretty, with dark hair and wore a white dress with black polka-dots. Sandra had seen them earlier with two Latin men, one of which she later identified as Sirhan. Another witness, Vincent Di Pierro, also identified the girl in question. At the trial the prosecution argued that Valerie Sheltzie, who was a blond, was the said girl.

The oddest thing about this is the way that the LAPD detective Hernandez. interrogated her and tried to coerce her to alter her story. She described him as a Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde-like character. He engaged in ‘brow beating’ and was trying to intimidate a witness, just like the Dallas police had in 1963. He manipulated her into signing a statement that she did not see or hear anything from the girl with the polka-dot dress.

The chief identifier of rogue operative Dave Morales was Bradley Ayers. Ayers had known him in Miami when working on JM-Wave in 1963, a CIA operation to train Cubans to attempt the usurpation of the Castro regime. It must be noted that Morales himself had a massive heart attack in 1978 before he could appear on the Senate Hearings on the Assassination. Someone did not want him to talk.

I will include some of Bradley Ayers` words in order to cement the ID of Morales at the Ambassador Hotel on the late eve of June 4th, 1968. He is reacting to the footage shown him by Shane O`Sullivan. Ayres` words verbatim.

“That was the figure that I previously identified as Morales. The nose is a little more flattened, but the stance, the shoulders, the face, the tie eschew, the general facial impression is an individual that I would identify as Morales. Yea, practically to a 100 % degree.”

“I think that the nose is really an artifact of pixel color shadow and so on. This definitely from the profile is hugely similar. The body language is very, very much characteristic of Morales. See how he moves back and forth very casually so as to not attrack attention to himself. That is him, no question.”

A good testimony is provided by Wayne Smith, a state department official who knew Morales well at the US embassy in Havanna in 1959. He says: “That`s Morales! Yea, I`m virtually certain,” while reacting to the film footage of the night of the assassination. Smith says also: “I knew Morales quite well in Argentina.” They argued and Dave Morales said: “Kennedy got what was coming to him.” This was said in a very determined way, Smith emphasized. Kennedy had betrayed the agency by not providing air support for the ‘Cuban liberators’ at the Bay of Pigs.

Shane O`Sullivan asked him if there is a benign explanation for him to be at the Ambassador. “In my wildest imagination I couldn`t imagine Morales being assigned to protect RFK,” Shane exclaims. He furthers concludes that Morales` presence there that night and RFK being shot have to be related.

David Rabern, an ex-CIA operative and eyewitness at the Ambassador Hotel, was working on an alarm systems project and had free tickets to primary victory party. He was walking toward the front doors when he heard the slight noise of the pop, pop, pop of gunshot. Rabern did not believe that Sirhan could have done it alone.

David Rabern clearly identified David Sanchez Morales (El Gordo) at the crime scene, a rogue CIA agent who had antipathies for the Kennedys. Rabern also saw the bald one (CIA agent Gordon Campbell) talking to Morales. He assumed a military stance with his hands behind his back. Sirhan was a decoy, a mere throw away, the shooter in the public eye. The primary gunman performed the act in a secret way.

David indicates that this is highly suspicious. “Why they were doing the things they were doing, I`m surprised it was never investigated, is a mystery,” he states (I`m paraphrasing). He did not want to detail his associations with Gordon Campbell, but was fully familiar with him.

Ed Lopez, a former congressional investigator, identifies George Joannides in a photo at the Ambassador Hotel. Joannides had a very intriguing background with the CIA. I have just learned that he was the case officer for the DRE in New Orleans. They were a fabricated anti-Castro group that got in a ruckus with Oswald in the summer of 1963, when Oswald was handing pro-Castro leaflets on the streets of New Orleans. This got Oswald news coverage, and put him the limelight as a communist rebel. This appears to have been the goal of Joannides` operation. Ed Lopez is able to verify the connection of Oswald and the CIA and Joannides is smack dab in the middle.


Perhaps Sirhan was programmed just right before the shooting. He was highly suggestable and was hyponotized to climb his cell bars. On the day of the shooting he had picked up two boxes of 22 caliber ammunition at the Lock Stock and Barrel. He had gone to San Gabriel Valley Range to target practice for six hours. He bumped into a friend at Bob`s Big Boys and challenged him to a game of pool. Sirhan had four Tom Collins cocktails and was very sleepy. He began to seek out coffee at the Ambassador Hotel. He ran into a girl, the girl in the Polka Dot dress, and she led him into a dark place.

Sirhan was interviewed under hypnosis. He described a policeman with a funny uniform. "You son of a bitch." A comment Sirhan makes about Kennedy. A witness heard him say that on the given night. "Can`t send those bombs." The psychiatrist, Dr. Diamond, utters: "he`s reaching spasmodically for gun in pants." There`s a Freudian aspect to the killing. Programmed to kill RFK, then programmed to forget. Sirhan was seen staring at teletype operator. He appeared to be in a trance. The witness was told by LAPD to not tell anyone about seeing this. Clues that night suggest his trance-like state. The writer George Plimpton noticed that Sirhan`s eyes were enormously peaceful. He was a good candidate for the decoy. These strange handlers from the CIA programmed him to forget the crime, and forget the people who who helped him. Sirhan honestly never did remember the crime.

The Manchurian candidate angle was liberally treated. An audio tape of Sirhan under hypnosis was played in its entirety. He called Robert Kennedy a “son of a bitch.” When conscious he claimed no memory of the crime. The film suggests that he may have been programmed by the CIA to participate in the shooting with some help from the girl in the polka dot dress.

The main angle played here is that the CIA engineered the killing of RFK. The great thing about Shane O`Sullivan`s treatment is that he connects the RFK assassination with JFK`s in 1963. The Kennedys took an interest in dismantling the CIA. There was lingering resentment that John had not given the Cubans air support at the Bay of Pigs. This was the motive for eliminating the Kennedys. The two killings were related events.

There is no benign explanation for the CIA presence at the Ambassador hotel. Surely they were not involved in Robert`s security? The identification of these agents is mostly positive, with some objections raised by a few. The chief CIA agent who is implicated is David Sanchez Morales, a person involved in military coups in third world countries. Do not neglect reading the article
Did the CIA Kill Bobby Kennedy? O`Sullivan has exposed some new evidence here. You will need to study the identity of Gordon Campbell and George Joannides too. If they were in Los Angeles on June 5th, 1968, then that they are connected to the shooting is positive.


Okay, I have ten pages of very good notes to plug into this document. Shane O`Sullivan has done some great leg work here. I want to mull over this, and then see how others react to it, that may be in a position of authority. This conspiracy was so cleverly perpetrated, that I wonder just who will come forward. I will get his book and the DVD and study them further.

RFK wanted to dismantle the CIA. I think he probably knew that they had killed his brother. The motive was The Bay Of Pigs. JFK did not give air support for the CIA brigade that tried to instigate the coup of the Castro government.

The chief areas that I feel are worth investigating are: the actual shooting itself. The fact that too many bullets were around. And then there is the question of whether Sirhan was programmed? The suspicion of the Security Guard, Thane Eugene Cesar, was be carefully probed. I think it is a fact that RFK was shot in the back. It is impossible for Sirhan to be the shooter. The girl with the polka-dot dress must be studied. The LAPD was obviously being manipulated, and this must be considered. And finally the fresh evidence of the CIA must be examined very carefully! This thing has been finally cracked wide-open by Shane O`Sullivan, yet some still deny that the three men were CIA at the Ambassador Hotel, June 5th, 1968. Remember the tenet of ‘plausible deniability’ that was put forth by Richard Helms when he testified in 1978!

You are going to want to see the epilogue to this on the
web site for RFK Must Die. Stanislaw Pruszynski made an audio tape, little known by anyone, that has 13 shots on it, thus proving that a second gunman was involved in the shooting. This would cast suspicion on the security guard Cesar who was right behind RFK.

Please be sure to use the wiki page, it is a good resource.

Robert K. Kennedy

Then I found this great page by Thom White.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Two Days In October

*Left-from the Pentagon Protests-not Madison-my favorite image of Vietnam Era.

This may be the best documentary on Vietnam that I have ever seen, and I have seen quite a few. This post is just a fragmented, hodge-podge collection of notes along with a few comments. More order will be imposed on these records in time, I promise. As I watched it, I started to take notes because it was so important what was being said. Please watch this special, and see for your self. My notes may help you to begin assembling these troubling facts, as disjointed as they are. At least I`ve opened a file now, and I encourage you to do the same, on these few turgid days in October of 1967, that seemed to turn the world upside down.

We got ambushed”… and later: “I was pretty bitter. I…I…, I considered those people to be traitors. I mean traitors, cowards, and any other dirty name you can come up with. As far as I`m concerned they can line those people up and shoot `em right between the eyes. That`s a pretty hard stand, but that`s the way I feel about it.” First Sergeant Bud Barrow-comments about Vietnam War protesters.

I saw two excellent DVDs yesterday (November 8th), the first was Two Days in October, which tells the parallel stories of a battle in Vietnam and a war protest at the University of Wisconsin. In October of 1967 the Americans of Alpha Company were ambushed by the Vietcong. Sixty-one young Americans lost their lives. Clark Welch, a Vietnam veteran who is extensively interviewed in the documentary, survived the battle and was wounded several times. Terry Allen, Jr., son of the famous WWII general, was in command at this time and ordered Alpha Company to attack the Vietcong position. He has therefore, when looking back in time, been held accountable by the survivors for this senseless massacre.

“To say it`s wrong to liberate the oppressed (to help the Vietnamese was the right thing to do)…It seemed so simple.” Clark Welch-Commander Of Delta Company

Terry Allen was shot through the head while staring at a photo of his three daughters. His wife, Jean Ponder Allen, is interviewed and reveals her gradual objections to the war. This includes a breaking with her husband who was on the other side of the fence. Footage of the battle makes it very real, and many of the Vietcong`s stories (Vo Minh Triet for one) are also recalled. Upper command was urging the soldiers to get into a real scrap with the commies. Terry Allen was being pressured to engage in a real battle.

The student protests at the University of Wisconsin were shocking to watch. You could see police battering students on the head with Billy clubs. The students blocked the administration building in protest to Dow Chemical, who had a presence on campus, and who made napalm, the gruesome jelly gas that burns at 2000 degrees Fahrenheit. Apparently, this was the first student protest of the Vietnam War that turned violent. This incident occurred on October 18th, 1967 when the Chancellor, William Sewell, ordered the local police to break up the sit-in, even though he was an opponent of the war himself. I believe that he was pressured by the governor of Wisconsin.

The introduction to Two Days in October, produced and directed by Robert Kenner, synchronizes and animates newspaper headlines with snapshots from college and high school yearbooks, as well as talking head sound bites. GI VIET DEATHS PASS 10,000US DEATHS IN VIETNAM SET RECORD… VIETNAM TROOP INCREASE… The music is pensive. Here is one sound bite:

“I`m the first born Jewish son after the holocaust. You don`t just blindly follow, you don`t just blindly obey. You stand up when you see something wrong. Your government like any government can make mistakes.” Mark Greenside

In the fall of 1967 the war was picking up. The nightly news says:171 killed this week, 977 wounded. Walter Kronkite reports: 193 died, 14,000 Americans had died by the fall of 1967. Dow Chemical Company started producing Napalm in 1965, they mainly made sirran wrap heretofore. A piece in Ramparts, read by students, calls attention to this new chemical warfare. The Chancellor of the University of Wisconsin, was an opponent of the war, but he later calls the Madison police when the students stage a sit-in in defiance of the presence of Dow Chemical`s recruiting on campus.

There were now a half million young men in Vietnam. LBJ wanted body count, search and destroy the enemy was the prevailing tactic used by the military. “It was an exciting day, there was movement all around us.” Jim Shelton-On October 17th, 1967. An entire regiment of Vietcong, 12,000 soldiers, were present in the Iron Triangle, forty miles NW of Saigon. The Black Lions were stationed at Lai Khe. The Vietcong had no rice to eat for days, and were dug in bunkers. “It`s a big, hot murderous jungle.” General Hay was told by Westmoreland that we were not aggressive enough (in our pursuit of the enemy). Colonel Allen told the Company, “To pick up the pace.” Was being a hypocrite, but didn`t want to get relieved of command. Allen paid one last visit to his wife and kids in the states.

Allen`s wife, Jean Ponder Allen, from El Paso, was assaulted by images on TV of body bags and flag-draped caskets coming home. She began to doubt what it meant to be a military wife. She now wants a divorce from Terry Allen, but something worse was yet to come. She wrote a ‘Dear John Letter’ saying “I don`t want to be your wife anymore.”

The interviews with Paul Soglin and Jane Brotman really shed light on their evolving perspective. Paul Soglin became a professional protester after a very early start, dating back to protests against U.S. support of Ngo Dinh Diem. Jane Brotman, less of a professional, gradually turned against the war, especially when she was an eyewitness to the police brutality. She could hear the crack of the bats against student skulls when she walked upon the scene of confrontation. A combination of film footage, black and white stills, and eye witness testimony give this a poignancy of realism that riveted me. Scary were the words of Keith Hackett, a Madison cop who seemed to enjoy cracking the heads of students and who still seemed to relish those glory days. No remorse for his brutality could be detected in this 2005 documentary.


On October 16, 1967 Delta and Bravo Company made contact with the enemy, or on the edge of the base camp anyway. They had hit a ‘vital organ’. “we got the Vietcong where we want them.” A ‘frontal attack on a fortified position’ is not such a good idea (Clark Welch). There was a full moon that night. On October 17th Allen, who had never moved a company on the ground, began moving the troops in position. Heard a clicking sound, then the battle started.

The Americans had 160 men, the Vietnamese had 14,000 men. They were just 10 or 15 meters away. Fight very close. Alpha Co. just disappeared, now it was Delta. Machine gunner Sikorski is dead. “Anybody that was in the sunshine was being shot.” Mike Troyer. All of a sudden they had disappeared. They were gone. Everything was dead silence. 142 went out, 64 died. Almost everyone was wounded. It was a massacre. Diane Sikorski had an intense dream. Danny had his arms out. He had a giant hole in his stomach. It was a nightmare.


The kids were playing musical instruments. DOWN WITH DOW! DOWN WITH DOW! They chanted. William Sewell calls the Madison police. The Madison cops came mainly from the working class part of town. The students were East coast money. Keith Hackett says they were young and dumb. “You start anarchy, you have a fight on your hands.” James Rowen, a student protester, says: “ Expulsion from school could be a ticket to the war.”

When the cops showed there was an electric tension in the hallway. The officers were speaking through their clubs. 65 students had to go to the hospital. The bodies were stacked up like cordwood. 4,000 other students were watching the proceedings. Hackett says: “I`ve never seen the hate that was in these kids faces.” Chanting SEIG HEIL! SEIG HEIL! *The photo to the left is a demonstration in Seattle, October 16th, 1965. This is from my great book, Vietnam-A Complete Photographic History.

After the ‘ambush’ at Ong Thanh of Alpha Company the military tried to spin it to look like a successful campaign. A private, Mike Arias, was told “not to mention it was an ambush.” The documentary shows old newspapers, then highlights the headlines, and enlarges the type so you can read it good. This is shocking the way the military spins this. Here are a few of them. “Threat Of Cong Attack Nipped In Jungle”… “Cong Repulsed”… “103 Reds Killed”… “Communists Withdraw”… “Victory”…. Okay, nothing could be further from the truth. General Hay was pleased that Charlie stayed in place briefly. General Westmoreland rewarded the purple heart to a few of the survivors of Ong Thanh.

The spin of the ‘Dow Protests’ by the Madison press and the university was equally nefarious. Some of the newspaper headlines that were projected were: “Campus Strike”… “Face Civil Arrest”… “Riot Leaders Suspended”… “Legislators Demand Penalties”….A witch hunt was on by the governor for protesters. A credibility gap between the media and the students is created. Now they could see that the university was on the side of Dow, the war profiteers, weapons makers. Jane Brotman, a freshman at Wisconsin in 1967, realized it was her civic responsibility to say what I witnessed was wrong. The anti-war movement only grew after ‘Dow Chemical’.
One headline reads: Communism Is On...Campus.

*(A collage I did a few years ago-not related to this special.)


“I think back then if people tried in anyway to stop the war, they probably felt that they were doing the right thing. On the other hand, the boys in Vietnam felt that they were doing the right thing. In the end I wonder who was right?” Diane Sikorski-sister to Danny Sikorski, a gunner who died in Vietnam on October 17th, 1967.

Diane Sikorski recalls the painful news on October 20th when the soldiers showed up to tell her family that Danny had been killed in action. Danny was dead and she had dreamed it the night before. Jean Ponder Allen lost her husband. She found it to be meaningless. She still feels a deep anger about the war. Most of the people in this special are far from healed yet.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States come November 5th. The economy is bad and people will vote against the incumbent party. It will be a referendum on the Bush administration, who has performed poorly in every area-foreign policy, the economy, and with the American people themselves. Just look at Katrina. The American people want change and they`re going to get it. If we don`t get change, the economy will collapse and the threads of society will come undone. We can no longer afford the War in Iraq. Our auto companies will go out of business, if they don`t retool and build energy efficient cars. Tax breaks for corporations that ship jobs overseas is unacceptable! Large tax breaks for the big oil companies is unforgivable! No health care for millions of Americans is not acceptable. The curtailment of civil liberties (The Patriot Act) is unacceptable!

My fundamental reason for believing strongly in the Democrats and Barack Obama is that I can recall when Bill Clinton grew the middle class in the late 1990s and then more people could participate in the economy and share a little bit of improvement. I made some money on the stock market and slightly improved my social status from lower class to lower-middle class. This is the key to what makes our capitalist economy tick. If a greater amount of people increase their income, then they can make contributions to other small businesses so that they can also succeed. They in turn will create more jobs, may become IPOs on the stock market, so that the rising middle class can participate in their unique niche in the market. At one time companies like Cisco Systems, Yahoo, Qualcom, and Sun Microsystems were small, on the go companies that people could purchase shares of stock in and participate in their growth. This opportunity has not been present in the last eight years of Bush. The market has gone down because average people can not participate. This is due to rising fuel and food costs, health care costs, and shrinking wages. This phenomenon is due to, in part, to the elitist tax structure of the Republicans that rewards the wealthy and cripples those that struggle for improvements, such as myself. These tax policies are fundamentally undemocratic.

There has been much talk lately about The Great Depression, what with the recent economic melt down of astronomic proportions. This may be something of an exaggeration, but we will just have to see just how deep the current recession will be. The measures taken by the New Dealers were, when looking in hindsight, somewhat harsh. But when you look at conditions such as unemployment levels, desperation and creativity were greatly needed. Work programs had to be created by the federal government in order to give people the ability to eat. Once they started to purchase products such as food, the helped small businesses to keep their doors open. This is small, but ironically it was the Federal government that was able to save capitalism. We will have to see how bad things get, but no doubt Obama will have to create work programs such as improving roads and bridges, investing in the US infrastructure, and helping the under employed, whose numbers are growing every day. I`m calling Obama`s efforts the New New Deal (see my collage), although I`m sure it will assume a very different form from FDRs. This won`t be a welfare state, but just a little intervention to help redirect the economy after eight years of crippling policies. This will actually be friendly to common people, so cast off the paranoia of the Bush years! I know, this is hard to do!

Everything is going to change a lot, I do believe! Businesses will have to equal out their pay, especially for African Americans, Latinos, and women. Democracy in general will be more apparent. People will vote more in schools, businesses, and in local government. People will have more voice in important decisions. Executive decisions will need to be more transparent and those choices should be based on the will of all workers. The Fat Cats can no longer be renegades in profit sharing and decisions or policy. Everyone must have a voice, we demand it.

The polls are tightening in the battleground states, such as Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina. Please everyone heed the warning and work harder and harder to help Obama win! We can do it…YES WE CAN! THE RED MEANIES are creeping up on us, so lets redouble are efforts for the BLUE! I don`t understand why so many people are still going to vote for McCain. I suspect that its ignorance. Young people must vote in groves. African Americans must vote in groves. The poor must vote in groves. Obama can help us all, because we all are hurting.

THE WAR IN IRAQ MUST END! We can not afford it anymore, and the Iraqis have plenty of money to help themselves. We can not go it alone anymore. Even Bush senior built a strong coalition of allies before we went into the first Gulf War. We need to make some friends in the world, and Obama can help us do this, especially Third World countries. And no George Bush, The United Nations is not an outdated organization. We are spread too thin in Iraq and need more troops in Afghanistan.

Thousands and thousands of Obama ground troops are canvassing Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, and Missouri, even as I type this, and knocking on doors, making phone calls, and arguing down misdirected conservatives who have been brainwashed for years by Shaun Hannity and Rusch Limbaugh, who are nothing but demigods for an extremist and dangerous position. Fox News will lead us to destruction! Turn it off RIGHT NOW! Obama is running a brilliant campaign, maybe the best since John Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in 1960 with Robert Kennedy as his campaign manager. Obama is getting the Hispanic vote and white women, and many of the soft Republicans too, who see Sarah Palin as too far on the right, which is exactly the case! I have a feeling that the follow through for the Obama people will be fantastic, and I`m making a stab at it right here! We have to win, and WE WILL! I don`t want this GREAT COUNTRY to end, and I know that you don`t either!

Let me summarize Obama`s position to turn this country around: GROW THE MIDDLE CLASS. Create jobs in technology and the auto industry…have everyone working, UNITE ALL PEOPLE…we are one people, not various pockets of blue and red. DIXIE NEEDS TO THAW OUT! The past is over, let it go. Maybe Georgia can go Obama if every African American will vote there. Let`s elect the FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN EVER AS PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! Health care for all Americans is possible. Friends with many more countries is a possibility! An end to foreign wars. The recovery of civil liberties. The reduction of fear and the stupid use of the American flag to only represent a very narrow concept of patriotism…one that rejects dissent against an unfair War in Iraq! We can do it, ELECT BARACK OBAMA ON NOVEMBER 4TH!
Study his web page please, and pass my blog on to countless others immediately! OUR VERY LIFE DEPENDS ON IT! JGK